Parish Office
227 Sea St Quincy, MA 02169
Preparation to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation is a 2 year program which usually begins in the 9th Grade. Currently we use the Chosen program as our instruction for the Confirmation level. Class begins with Mass at 5pm at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church. Mass attendance is a required part of the program.
We are also happy to assist adults through the process of preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation. Please contact the parish office for more information and check out the video below ! 617-479-9200
Please view a current schedule, class meeting times, as well as other pertinent information regarding our programs under the Faith Formation tab or contact the rectory at 617-479-9200 or email:
We invite you to watch the 9 minute video below for some insight on the sacrament of Confirmation.